Long Haul COVID
There aren’t many people whose lives haven’t been significantly affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Research continues to evolve on the after-effects of the COVID infection, often called “Long COVID” or “Long-Haul COVID”. IMPACT providers have taken this research and combined it with clinical experience to deliver a comprehensive program to assess and treat the long term symptoms following a COVID-19 infection.

IMPACT’s program combines two necessary areas:

• Medical screening and consultation by our specialist physician, Dr. Mark Agre

• Comprehensive assessment and treatment by our therapy team.

Given the after-effects of COVID can be elusive, multiple evaluation tools are utilized to measure the effects of the multi-system body, including assessments for: heart health, breathing, sensation, muscle strength and endurance, balance, cognition and memory, nutrition, mobility and movement.

The IMPACT team will work together to address any deficits identified in order to get you back to your pre-infection state – or even better!

Contact us to schedule for a Long Haul Covid Consultation!