Functional Capacity Evaluations (FCE)
A Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE) is an assessment of a person’s physical abilities. The FCE is an intense evaluation, typically one entire day, that involves aspects of lifting, carrying, pushing/pulling, balance, fine motor and cardiovascular tolerance. This evaluation can be extremely helpful to ensure a safe return to work, assist in finding alternative work and/or apply for disability. Upon completion of the FCE, an extensive report is provided detailing the individual’s capacities.

There are many people that could benefit from an FCE, some of which include individuals who are:

• Injured at work

• Applying for Social Security Disability

• Returning to work/volunteer activities after an injury / illness

• Injured in a catastrophic accident (i.e., automobile accident)

The standard FCE provides a comprehensive and objective summary to assist the medical and/or legal team. Additionally, IMPACT has developed an abbreviated version of the FCE which is a cost effective option for individuals seeking documented support for a Social Security Disability Claim.